Two things I love.....around my home

My two sided Elvis pillow found at one of my favorite thrift stores


Miguelito's webkinz collection (note not all of his webkinz are shown above, still a lot more stuffed in the closet). Oh and the cute paddington bear, we love him isn't he cute : )


  1. fun!
    thanks so much for playing along!

    seriously! the best thing my Mom passed on to me (well among them ha) when i moved to VA in january, she gave me her VHS collection ;) someday i hope to pass it on to my daughter.

    max surprised me last summer (when i first went home to meet his parents) by taking me to GRACELAND! it was the best roadtrip EVER :)

    this pillow? just FABULOUS!!!

    ps. i'm so glad you got my little "real" magnet swap ;) I LOVE that miguelito loved the candy! ;) xoxoxo

  3. Yes Elvis......... Yikes!!! What a Hottie and his music excellent... I love his movie Kissing Cousins
    : )

    Graceland!!!! Sounds great I hope to go there one day.. Was it how you dreamed it would be? Did you ever post any pictures? I would love to see them : )

    Your daughter will love him.. I can imagine little Micaela Jr.. dancing away like in Lilo
    and stitch... I love that movie plus my sister and I believe to be the little cartoon characters in the movie, her being lilo and me the big sister : )

    Both swaps were real : ) and we were completely happy with the first package : ) You are to sweet.. Plus I think somebody has a crush on you,shhhh don't say anything : ) he thinks you are the sweetest....

    P.S. you are the sweetest and nicest person ever...
