So many adventures so liitle time!

There are only 15 days left until the first day of school and the days are going by faster than ever. I have been making sure that Miguelito enjoys every single moment, and that means that our days have been full of adventures, in some cases that means we've been leaving the house at 10:00am and end up getting home until 11:00pm or 12:00am :D

Today was no exception. Miguelito has been asking me to go to the Transit Museum for a few months
now, so today we rode the train down to Brooklyn Heights and surprised him with a day full of Miguelito approved adventures (he was tired of going shopping with me - lol)

Just a sneak preview of the places we visited today :)

My mom & Miguelito having loads of fun at the Transit Museum
Me playing the role of a ticket vendor :)
Having fun at Chuck -E- Cheeses - where everyone can be a kid :)
 Now tomorrow is another day, and not just any day!!
I am super excited to see a a very handsome fellow representing his restaurant 
Gallagher's Steak House at an expo taking place at the Jacob K Javits Center tomorrow.

My handsome pappa!!
Look at that smile :D I love my pappa, he is my world!!
 My mom, Miguelito and me will be going tomorrow to the expo to see
my pappa in action and to take lots of pictures :D
It will be a wonderful Thursday indeed and I can not wait to come back with pictures
from today's adventures, the expo and of course all of the overdue pictures and posts I still have to post!! 
Happy almost Friday!

Kary xoxo


  1. Man! I want to go to NY! Soooo many things to do!!
    I HAVE to save up and take my boys on vacation! :)

  2. Now I am mad...all we do in Hemet is look for cows!! lol! I loved that second picture of yours :)

    and yes! I love your papi's smile :)


  3. Ohh Good luck to your pappa! :)

  4. How awesome to live in a city that has so much to offer! :) I love that you and Miguelito are so adventurous! Good luck to your papa! Has anyone ever told you you two have the same beautiful smile?? :)

  5. your family always makes me smile-- i love how close you guys are and how i wish i (adopted daughter) could go and hang out with you all for just a day! but especially to see your handsome pappa represent <3

    i love you more than words! and don't forget-- birthday ideas for my little (wait-- growing up!) baby xoxox!

    i can't get the book out of my head!!!! i wrote about it on my happy things -- i'll send it safely back in your arms soon i promise. i'm so behind on life! ha

  6. lovely photos, make the most of your 15 days left!! :)

  7. Your papa has such a lovely smile. I bet your whole family is just so wonderful (of course you are included in that).

    I'm glad you are spending a lot of time with your baby boy. It will be a fantastic summer for him and it's great you are enjoying all these moments. x

  8. Hi,

    I am following your blog now. I invite you to come by and visit my blog!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful adventure...I've never been to a Chuck E. Cheese before...

    I hopping on by from the Alexa hop and now GFC follow *heavensent1*...

    If you have a moment, please stop on by my neck of the woods ~ Mad Moose Mama ~ ~ Have a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo

  10. Sounds like fun! What's Chuck E Cheese?

    x Jasmine
