Happiness :)

He is my Sunshine! 
It's because of him that I always see a light at the end of the tunnel!
Thanks to all of your beautiful comments on the previous post and my munchkins laughter and love I was able to kick my problems in the butt!
 The weather has been so beautiful and amazing!
 Which means more days spent at Central Park :)
My mom & Miguelito - surrounded by naked trees :)
My wonderful mom & me :)
Turtle family soaking up the sun on top of a rock at Central Park :)
My life!
My mommy - one of the love's of my life!
P.S. After more than 4yrs of being a red head, i said goodbye to the red and am happy to be in touch with my roots again! I am now a black haired girl and I LOVE it!!! :)

Kary xoxo


  1. I LOVE THE DARK HAIR pretty lady!

  2. Your hair looks amazing dark :) I'm sure it was a lovely change to go back to your roots.

    Glad you are feeling better and good on Miguelito for being so fantastic.

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling better! You and your mami look like sister she is so young! and your hair looks lovely Kary! hugs your way!

  4. Your hair looks awesome, girl!!

  5. awww, the turtle family is so adorable!

  6. Karina so glad to hear you are much better but always remember "tears are nature's lotion for the eyes. The eyes see better for being washed by them" don't be afraid to cry, do it with your whole heart and then feel revitalised to proceed with whatever else life may hold for you. I know you can do it!

    Oh and I haven't forgotten about your letter...I promise it will be there soon ;) in the mean time is there anything in particular you would like from Australia?

  7. I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling happier. You deserve all the happiness in the world, my sunshine!

    I love those photos of Central Park. I can't wait to walk through it with you and Miguel one day :)

    x Jasmine

    PS. You are rocking that day hair, lady! So sexy!
    PPS. I can totally see you rocking a little peek-a-boo blue section of hair ;)
