Wishing my beautiful sisters a very Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to the beautiful birthday girls!! 
Today my sweet girls turn 28 and they get to spend it together which is the best present ever!

Micaela: My beautiful sister you know you mean the world to me and that I love you more than Ferrer Rocher & French Fries! I am so happy and blessed to call you family! Miguelito loves you so much and misses his dear Tia Mickey everyday! We wish you a wonderful day! May it be full of lots of yummy cake, yummy food, and may you be surrounded by those most important to your heart :) This is your year and it will be one of the most magical years ever! Of that I am sure! I love you always mi bella hermana!

Marz: My beautiful sister! You know I love you more than words can ever say! It is s a blessing to have you in my life, in our life, and call you family! Miguelito loves you and misses you so much his dear Tia Marz! We wish you a most wonderful day! Eat lots of yummy cake, yummy food and enjoy your beautiful family! This will be a most wonderful year full of lots of magic and so many more beautiful moments!
I love you always my beautiful sister, my fellow crush slut!!

We love you both!!

Feliz Cumpleanos my beautiful sisters!!!
Won't you stop by their blogs and wish my wonderful sisters a very Happy Birthday!

Kary xoxo


  1. Happy Birthday to the super twins! :)

  2. Aww great picture and micaela is so lovely. I am glad they are all together now.

  3. my sweet beautiful sister-- you never fail to make us both feel so special and loved <3 you were the first to text on our birthday and your calls yesterday made us so happy. LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS!!! more than french fries and more than all the stars.

    this picture brings back memories of our unforgettable time together when you shared your city and family with us. <3 i can't wait to see you again and hug you my beautiful sister.

    thank-you for this sweetest post. LOVE YOU!!!! X1000!
