Yes to #NaBloPoMo

So, Vlogtober was a big failure - insert a sad smiley face.
Yes, I did get a few vlogs up, by few I mean like 4 or 5. When I was really supposed to vlog every single day. I feel really bad for saying that I was going to do it and not actually going through with it but life happens and October was just full of many unhappy events which resulted in me not vlogging everyday.
But it's November 4th and I'm a few days late BUT I just signed up for NaBloPoMo (national blog posting month) and this time it's for real!!

  I WILL be posting everyday, about everything and anything I can think of! 
As usual I will always be honest, sometimes a little too much as I feel that I put out too much of myself out there, but this is my blog after-all and I love going back to read old posts and seeing how far I've come and how so many of you have been with me through my ups and downs :)

Cheers to having the best friends ever and a month of blogging everyday!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, mines was a true blessing as it was the first weekend in years that we got to spend with husband. He had the weekend off due to him running the race that wasn't , and since that was out of the question we had him for 48 hours to do whatever our hearts desired. 
It was absolute heaven and the perfect distraction from reality.
Tomorrow is the first day of school after an unprecedented week off from school thanks to that 
biotch Sandy. I'm happy things are starting to feel a little bit normal around the city again and that  munchkin gets to be at school and away from the sad news. I'm also happy to be able to go for a morning run in my beloved Central Park tomorrow morning (all city parks officially opened yesterday - Saturday morning). There I will be able to let last week's feelings and thoughts run freely through my mind.
I will be me again!

Are you participating in NaBloPoMo? 
How was your weekend?

Kary xoxo


  1. you aren't the only one who hardly posted for VLOGtober! This looks like a great challenge!

  2. No I didn't sign up for NaBloPoMO, I was tempted though!

    I am glad to hear you will run again and that things are getting back to normal little by little. And also that you spent the weekend with Humbe! Hugs and kisses dear!
