Get after it!!

The bags under my eyes, have bags :P
It's been a few rough weeks with SO much going on, especially the hot weather! But I was finally able to go and hit the pavement. Oh how I missed the park and the feeling of my feet hitting the ground.
I made sure to get up earlier than usual to try and beat the hot weather. And even though I left the house with bags under my eyes, it was so worth it.
I'm back on track and there's no stopping me!
 Cheers to Summer Running days!!

Are you a Summer Runner?
 Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?

Kary xoxo


  1. I'm definitely an indoors runner. Brisbane is super hilly, so I struggle to even get 500m done near where I live because it's all hills!

    x Jasmine

    1. You rock for even trying the hills out. Those are the toughest, not a fan either :P

