Leaving On A Jet Plane..

Our flight leaves tonight at 12:50am, well technically it's Saturday already. We will be on our way to Mexico.

 I'm excited, nervous and sad. My heart is happy because I get to see my mom and dad again but half of my heart stays here with my Humbe. Husband doesn't get to go and it breaks my heart to be half across the world from him. I'm blessed to have him in my life and of him to support me when going to Mexico, he knows how important family is and the time I get to spend with my Grandma who is 82 years old. We will be back on the 30th of August, so three weeks away should go by fairly fast. The nervousness is due to taking a plane with Valentina for the first time, this will be her first airplane ride, I'm hoping she will sleep since it will be a night flight. For more details on how I feel remember you can check out my YouTube channel.

Prayers for safe travel please!

Will be back in three weeks :)
Remember you can follow me on Instagram to join me on my adventure in Mexico.

Kary xoxo

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