Little Smile Of Yours

Baby girl is always a happy little girl and for that we are truly blessed, her little smile will melt away the darkest of clouds. 
It has been rough these past few nights but you wouldn't even notice because that smile hasn't left her face for one moment.
 Valentina has been sick since Wednesday nigh with a cough that just came during the night, she would cough for a few minutes and then go to sleep but come Thursday night she was coughing up a storm and running a slight fever, a few days later and the cough just kept getting worse. She ended up missing school today again. With these past few nights being the hardest ones yet, with her coughing and throwing up at night she couldn't go to school. She was weak and even though she cried for me to take her to school, we ended up letting her sleep in and getting her body to recuperate. One thing that baby girl has to learn, is to listen to your body and even though she really wanted to get up and go to play. She would feel it within a few hours and maybe even get more sick, which meant she'd end up losing more days of school.
It's been nice to cuddle with her again without having to rush her to school but I'd prefer her being 100% healthy then being sick.
She seems to be doing much better today and that means that she gets to go back to school and even though i'm going to miss cuddling with her in bed, I know she will be happy with her friends from school and this momma gets back to her routine, because believe it or not I've been thrown off schedule. With Valentina feeling sick that meant my focus 24/7 was on her and that also means that some of the germs have rubbed off on me.
I started coughing since yesterday and my fever level has gone up a little.
Now I'm just praying that Valentina is fully recovered by this weekend which is a super busy one and that this momma only gets sick for a few days, with no other family member getting sick.

Send us good vibes and that all these goodies fly out the door.

Kary xoxo

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