Do you see what I see?
Well, it really depends on what you see :)
I see Mickey Mouse or a Panda Bear head.
What do you see?
It definitely went by way too fast, especially for us. With Valentina being sick for most of the first few months of school it really went by fast. It feels like we are finally starting to settle into a good school routine, and we are less than 2 months away from Summer vacation.
Baby girl is officially registered for Kindergarten and at the school where she will go to for the next 6 years. Let the nervousness begin.
I'm hoping May is good, a little bit better than April would be great. Even if it includes a little less stress, that would be perfect.
I'm sad to see the cherry blossoms disappear from Central Park but excited to see all the flowers blossom and the treese covered in leaves again. I'm not that excited about the humidity that will come along any day now. I can stand the hot dry weather but humidity kills me and puts me in a not so happy mood.
I'm excited to go for my runs and start getting a nice little tan, not so excited about running away from the bees that will want to scare me here or there.
I'm excited to be able to enjoy beautiful evenings out in the city with my familia and I'm especially excited about Summer vacation being near. That means that we can start planning and jotting down our Summer adventures.
May will be good, I have a feeling in my gut. I mean what better way to start then by having a very, very long and over due, date night with husband.
We will be going out to see Pretty Woman The Musical tonight, a re view coming soon so stay tuned.
But you can't go wrong with starting a new month with a date night with your soulmate :)
What are you looking forward to this Month of May?
Kary xoxo
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