Good Luck My Lil Munchkin : )

Tomorrow is the big day!!!

Miguelito's Taekwondo testing : ) He will be testing for the blue belt. My lil munchkin is really nervous but I've seen him training, and I know he's ready. Everyone at the Dojo loves his determination and will power, he is a perfectionist ( Virgo trait : D ). Mommy & Daddy believe in you. So to you baby - Dueno de mi corazon ( owner of my heart )

GOOD LUCK : ) - You Can Do It : )

And remember love of my life - "That there are no harder obstacles than the ones we put up ourselves "


  1. Oh my goodness he looks so cute in his Taekwondo outfit! Best of luck to your little love. :)

  2. oh how cute ..and i know this is terribly late but how did he do ? im hopin he won ..and a mails due my friend for sure :) xoxo
